Friday, May 24, 2019

Prescription Drug Abuse

Introduction.When we hazard of medicine buggy and maltreatment we usually think of heap who take the parking area street drugs such as cocain, cleft, heroine, or opposite nonlegal drugs. However most people do nt recognize or take earnestly the turn figure of maltreaters of prescription medicine(prenominal) drug(prenominal) drugs presently in our state. There is a roughhewn misconception that still because a physician prescribes a certain drug that that is someway safer and distinct than utilizing the alleged street drugs. After all, you be being given a prescription to take the drug by your doctor, and it is non illegal or a offense. However, we moldiness recognize that dependence is nt limited to plainly illicit drugs on the street, but ofttimes doctor prescribed medicines as good. prescription medicine drugs nurse improved and relieve infinite Numberss of lives over the old times as many new discoveries catch been achieved in scientific discipline and medical specialty in handling a assortment of k instantern diseases. However, utilizing these drugs with emerge the supervising of a doctor or for intents different from their in passed usage can take to serious inauspicious set up, including decease from dose and physical dependence. Because many prescription drugs atomic number 18 oft opiate based, when abuse, these drugs can be as habit-forming and unsafe as illegal drugs. 1 ) ( Pat Moore creation prescription Drug insult, 2009 ) .Harmonizing to ( M.D, Volkow, 2005 ) , manager at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2 ) an estimated 48 one thousand million people ( ages 12 and older ) , suck up used prescription drugs for non-medical understanding, which represents ab come come in 20 per centum of the U.S. population.Additionally, 3 ) in 2000, approximately 43 per centum of infirmary exigency admittances for drug overdoses ( about 500,000 people ) happened because of misused prescription drugs, and in 2006 entirely, 700, 000 exigency room visits were attributed to prescription drug overdoses. 4 ) ( Thibodeau, 2009 ) .This type of drug maltreatment is increasing at an dis maying rate because of their widespread handiness, including online pharmaceuticss which have made it much easier for anyone regardless of age to get drugs without a prescription. ( Prescription Drug Abuse Information Drug Rehab Programs, 2009 ) . 3 )One of the most common and primary methods of obtaining prescription drugs by daft is by physician shopping harmonizing to the Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) .5 ) This method refers to a individual who continually searches out different physicians to order the same medicines in order to feed their dependences. I think most of us either know or have know persons or even household members who have resorted to this type of behaviour in order to acquire prescription drugs for this intent.The most common types of drugs that are frequently abused are cardinal nervous body sedative s such as benzodiazepines or tranquillizers, often prescribed for anxiousness and kiping upsets, opioids and narcotics for cause to be perceived alleviation, and stimulations such as those given for attention shortage hyperactivity upset, ( ADHD ) , narcolepsy, and fleshiness. 6 ) ( Prescription Drug Abuse chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA, 2009 )For illustration, U.S. prescriptions for stimulations ( including those taken for ADHD ) increased from around 5 million in 1991 to about 35 million in 2007. Prescriptions for opioid analgesics such as oxyco done ( OxyContin ) and hydrocodone ( Vicodin ) increased from 40 million in 1991 to 180 million in 2007. 7 ) ( Mayo Clinic, 2008 ) .I feel the grounds for this important addition in prescription drug maltreatment is simple. We live in a society directly that tells you a pill can film around and work out all of your meditates no affair what they are. All we have to make is turn on the telecasting and see the changeless onslaught of advertizements for the latest prescription drugs on the market. As a consequence, the pharmaceutical industry is doing one million millions of dollars off of people and is surely non traveling to kick, therefore support and driving the epidemic even more. Furthermore, these drugs are comparatively easy to obtain and are socially acceptable by the huge bulk of the public compared to illegal drugs.In merely the past several old ages, we have seen the outgrowth and proliferation of many pain clinics through and throughout the unite States. Although non all are bad, some of these installations as declared by 8 ) ( Silverman & A Brown, MD, 2009 ) , are frequently non-physician owned and run merely inside the jurisprudence. The doctors who expression in these installations are seldom licenced through board enfranchisement processes, and many take no insurance and publicize confidential, hard currency merely services. Some even advertise build up guards in the waiting suites. With no inadvertence, these installations serve as a beginning for a uninterrupted supply of controlled substances to frequently times addicted and sometimes naAA?ve people. It is non whimsical to happen patients of these installations having 10s of 1000s of mgs of opioid medicines each month.With these types of plans and clinics runing and promoting such drug maltreatment, I feel that the people who truly necessitate these medicines are frequently the 1s who scram, such as persons with painful storage diseases and unwellnesss like cancerous neoplastic disease. I experienced this first-hand with my mother several old ages ago when she was diagnosed with terminal lung malignant neoplastic disease that had metastasized to her castanetss, and impotently watched her suffer from hurting. While she was undergoing radiation interventions at a malignant neoplastic disease clinic, her physician at that place stated that she should utilize Advil to assist with her hurting and that the authorities was checking down on agenda drugs that were prescribed. My response to this is, if malignant neoplastic disease patients ca nt acquire the requisite hurting medicines they urgently need, yet nuts can acquire all they want, so there is something really incorrect with this state we live in and our wellness attention system.Decision.What is of import to acknowledge and go cognizant of about prescription drug maltreatment is that it is much the same as other signifiers of illegal drug maltreatment such as cocain or diacetylmorphine, and no 1 is immune. It can be merely as unsafe and lifelessly as other illicit drugs, and affects persons of all ages, races, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. It can in like manner destruct households, occupations, and places every bit good as holding fatal wellness effects. In fact, usage of prescription drugs now causes more deceases than diacetylmorphine and cocain combined, harmonizing to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administrati on. 9 ) ( Treatment Solutions Ne cardinalrk, 2009 ) .Furthermore, with the recent tragic and ill-timed deceases of famous persons such as Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, and Heath journal related to prescription drug maltreatment, I feel this job is eventually being brought to the brainiac and exposed, conveying a much needed consciousness to the dangers and effects of mistreating prescription drugs.Mentions1 ) Pat Moore creation Prescription Drug Abuse. ( n.d. ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext commute protocol // M.D, Volkow, N. ( 2005 ) . NIDA Research Report Series Prescription Drugs ill-usage and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Prescription Drug Abuse Information Drug Rehab Programs. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Thibodeau, D. ( 2009, October 20 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment now tops illegal drug usage GoDanRiver. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Drug Addiction Doctor shop Chronic Pain Medication Addiction. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol //www.drug- ) Prescription Drug Abuse Chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Mayo Clinic. ( 2008 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment MSN Health & A Fitness Addiction bar Smoking. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // cp-documentid=1002119948 ) Silverman, MD, S. M. , & A Brown, MD, L. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Dr ug Abuse In the US and Florida. Retrieved December 7, 2009, fromhypertext transfer protocol // id=66499 ) Treatment Solutions Network. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, fromhypertext transfer protocol // Drug AbuseThe audience I will be addressing is parents, caregivers and school educators about the dangers of prescription drugs and how we can wear out rise teenagers and fresh adults on the dangers of abusing them. There are many ways that we can teach and educate our teenagers and young adults, but its important that families, schools and communities are involved. The rate of prescription drug overdose among teenagers and young adults have sky rocketed over the past several years. This has become a growing epidemic and if we dont step in and do something, this problem will only get worse.No parent or caregiver ever wants to lose a c hild and it can be especial harder knowing that you could have serveed prevent it. Some people interpret its the schools job to education this subject and others say that education starts at home. Where can our parents/caregivers get the information they need to help better understand the problem itself and to help safe guard their children? Who would be the outmatch influence to talk to our teens and young adults? In my essay I will ex filmy why its so important that schools and parents/caregivers need to both educate and talk to our young adults and teens. 205) Kara Gordon Prescription Drug Abuse among Teens and Young Adults Prescription drug misuse and overdose among teens and young adults is one of the fastest growing health epidemics in the United States. While there has been a marked decrease in the use of some illegal drugs like cocaine, data from the National watch on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) show that nearly one-third of people aged 12 and over whom used drugs for th e first time began by using a prescription drug non-medically.The amount of controlled substances dispensed and used non medically is scary considering that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that opioid drugs, including oxycodone and hydrocodone, caused more than 15,500 overdose deaths in 2010 and that number is increasing. Parents/caregivers and educators need to action and educate our children before its too late. Informing teens and young adults about the dangers of taking prescription drugs that dont belong to them could save their lives.Teens and young adults have chosen prescription drugs as their drug of choice because it is less expensive as illegal drugs like cocaine or marijuana, and more easily accessible. All they need to do is walk into their own bathroom and look into the medicine cabinet. Its sitting in plain sight for the taking. They dont realize the danger of taking prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them. They think because it was prescribed by a doctor that it moldiness be safe.Teens and young adults also feel that, Parents dont care as much if they get caught using prescription drugs, without a doctors prescription, than they do if they get caught using illegal drugs (PR Newswire 4/23/13) like cocaine or marijuana. The most commonly known and used prescription pills that teens and young adults abuse are Vicodin, Oxycontin, Adderall, and Ritalin. There are also designer drugs such as K2, Spice and bath salts. These designer drugs can be extremely solemn because they havent been tested or approved and you are basically experimenting on your own body.When teens and young adults use these types of prescription drugs, most people think that they are looking to get high. This is not always the case. Teens abuse prescription drugs for a number of reasons, including to get high, to treat pain, or because they think it will help them with school work. Boys and girls tend to abuse some types of prescription drugs for many different reasons. (Bethesda) Like, boys are more likely to abuse prescription stimulants to get high, while girls tend to abuse them to stay alert or to lose weight.Teens and young adults realize when they have taken to many pills until its too late. Some of the signs or symptoms they may poses are an altered mental state, confusion, slurred speech excited delirium or agitation, sweating and out of control. (Knudson) They may be unable to breathe on their own. If you notice any of these symptoms you should take them to the emergency room immediately. It is better to have them looked at by a physician than not at all. As parents and caregivers its your job to make sure that your prescription drugs are stored in their proper place at your home.Just like guns, they need to be locked up and out of reach of your loved ones. Therefore does not provide them the opportunity or nitty-gritty to get them. We also need to take the opportunity to clean out our medicine cabinets and safely dispose of unwanted drugs. (PR Newswire 2013) There are several ways that you can properly dispose of your prescriptions drugs and one way is to use practice of medicine disposal envelopes. This is a postage-paid envelope that allows people to mail their unwanted or unused prescriptions to a licensed, secure facility for safe destruction.Another way is through a National Drug Take Back Day. Communities will hold these take back days to provide a safe, convenient and secure means of drug disposal. This is usually run by law enforcement or municipal agencies. Education is also a key ingredient to help protecting our children from prescription drug abuse. Almost a decade ago schools were more focused on keeping students from misusing alcohol and illegal street drugs like ecstasy, heroin and cocaine that there was never a concern to even speak about prescription drugs.After a study held by the Centers of Disease Control in 2009, it showed that teens as early as eleven year s old were taking prescription medicine at was not prescribed to them. Prevention of adolescent drug use has never been more important and response to this alarming trend, Wake UP was formed as a community education campaign to rise awareness of the dangers of abusing prescription drugs and to prevent first time use by teens and young adults. (PR Newswire 2012) This program was created by The Pain Truth, a charitable organization that started two years ago as an effort to education our children to make better decisions when opportunities of prescription drug abuse are given. This campaign is provided to all schools and communities at no cost. Misuse and abuse of prescription drugs knows no boundaries and requires a comprehensive response that engages all elements and influencers of a teenagers life. This was stated by Paul Barsky, the head of Upper School at Francis Parker School. What better way to sum up this essay.There are thousands of teens and young adults out there abusing prescription drugs right now. It is our job as parents, caregivers, and educators to do everything in our power to teach our teens and young adults everything we can about the dangers of prescription drug abuse. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health function Administration, Office of Applied Studies in 2012 reported that among Indiana residents ages 12 to 17, 8. 2% used prescription pain medications for nonmedical purposes in the past year Indianas percentage was statistically similar to the nations 6. %. The Indiana College Substance Use Survey that was conducted in 2011 showed 11. 3% of Indiana College students used prescription medications not prescribed to them in the past year, with 6. 2% currently using and 3. 8% of Indiana college students misused their prescription medication in the past year, with 1. 4% of students account current misuse. That is why it is so important that we reach out to our children and communicate and education them as best we can. You never know that the next childs life that is saved could be our own. (1069)Prescription Drug AbuseIntroduction.When we think of drug nuts and maltreatment we usually think of people who take the common street drugs such as cocaine, cleft, heroine, or other illegal drugs. However most people do nt recognize or take earnestly the turning figure of maltreaters of prescription drugs presently in our state. There is a common misconception that merely because a physician prescribes a certain drug that that is someway safer and different than utilizing the alleged street drugs. After all, you are being given a prescription to take the drug by your doctor, and it is non illegal or a offense. However, we must recognize that dependence is nt limited to merely illicit drugs on the street, but frequently doctor prescribed medicines as good.Prescription drugs have improved and saved infinite Numberss of lives over the old ages as many new discoveries have been achieved in scientific discipline and medical spec ialty in handling a assortment of known diseases. However, utilizing these drugs without the supervising of a doctor or for intents different from their intended usage can take to serious inauspicious effects, including decease from overdose and physical dependence. Because many prescription drugs are frequently opiate based, when abused, these drugs can be as habit-forming and unsafe as illegal drugs. 1 ) ( Pat Moore Foundation Prescription Drug Abuse, 2009 ) .Harmonizing to ( M.D, Volkow, 2005 ) , manager at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2 ) an estimated 48 million people ( ages 12 and older ) , have used prescription drugs for non-medical grounds, which represents about 20 per centum of the U.S. population.Additionally, 3 ) in 2000, approximately 43 per centum of infirmary exigency admittances for drug overdoses ( about 500,000 people ) happened because of misused prescription drugs, and in 2006 entirely, 700,000 exigency room visits were attributed to prescription drug overdoses. 4 ) ( Thibodeau, 2009 ) .This type of drug maltreatment is increasing at an dismaying rate because of their widespread handiness, including online pharmaceuticss which have made it much easier for anyone regardless of age to get drugs without a prescription. ( Prescription Drug Abuse Information Drug Rehab Programs, 2009 ) . 3 )One of the most common and primary methods of obtaining prescription drugs by nuts is by physician shopping harmonizing to the Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) .5 ) This method refers to a individual who continually searches out different physicians to order the same medicines in order to feed their dependences. I think most of us either know or have known persons or even household members who have resorted to this type of behaviour in order to acquire prescription drugs for this intent.The most common types of drugs that are frequently abused are cardinal nervous system sedatives such as benzodiazepines or tranquillizers, often prescribed for anxiousness and kiping upsets, opioids and narcotics for hurting alleviation, and stimulations such as those given for attending shortage hyperactivity upset, ( ADHD ) , narcolepsy, and fleshiness. 6 ) ( Prescription Drug Abuse Chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA, 2009 )For illustration, U.S. prescriptions for stimulations ( including those taken for ADHD ) increased from around 5 million in 1991 to about 35 million in 2007. Prescriptions for opioid analgesics such as oxycodone ( OxyContin ) and hydrocodone ( Vicodin ) increased from 40 million in 1991 to 180 million in 2007. 7 ) ( Mayo Clinic, 2008 ) .I feel the grounds for this important addition in prescription drug maltreatment is simple. We live in a society today that tells you a pill can bring around and work out all of your jobs no affair what they are. All we have to make is turn on the telecasting and see the changeless barrage of advertizements for the latest prescription drugs on the market. As a consequen ce, the pharmaceutical industry is doing one million millions of dollars off of people and is surely non traveling to kick, therefore encouraging and driving the epidemic even more. Furthermore, these drugs are comparatively easy to obtain and are socially acceptable by the huge bulk of the public compared to illegal drugs.In merely the past several old ages, we have seen the outgrowth and proliferation of many pain clinics throughout the United States. Although non all are bad, some of these installations as stated by 8 ) ( Silverman & A Brown, MD, 2009 ) , are frequently non-physician owned and run merely inside the jurisprudence. The doctors who pattern in these installations are seldom accredited through board enfranchisement processes, and many take no insurance and publicize confidential, hard currency merely services. Some even advertise armed guards in the waiting suites. With no inadvertence, these installations serve as a beginning for a uninterrupted supply of controlled substances to frequently times addicted and sometimes naAA?ve people. It is non uncommon to happen patients of these installations having 10s of 1000s of mgs of opioid medicines each month.With these types of plans and clinics runing and promoting such drug maltreatment, I feel that the people who truly necessitate these medicines are frequently the 1s who suffer, such as persons with painful terminal diseases and unwellnesss like malignant neoplastic disease. I experienced this first-hand with my mother several old ages ago when she was diagnosed with terminal lung malignant neoplastic disease that had metastasized to her castanetss, and impotently watched her suffer from hurting. While she was undergoing radiation interventions at a malignant neoplastic disease clinic, her physician at that place stated that she should utilize Advil to assist with her hurting and that the authorities was checking down on agenda drugs that were prescribed. My response to this is, if malignant neop lastic disease patients ca nt acquire the necessary hurting medicines they urgently need, yet nuts can acquire all they want, so there is something really incorrect with this state we live in and our wellness attention system.Decision.What is of import to acknowledge and go cognizant of about prescription drug maltreatment is that it is much the same as other signifiers of illegal drug maltreatment such as cocaine or diacetylmorphine, and no 1 is immune. It can be merely as unsafe and lifelessly as other illicit drugs, and affects persons of all ages, races, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. It can besides destruct households, occupations, and places every bit good as holding fatal wellness effects. In fact, usage of prescription drugs now causes more deceases than diacetylmorphine and cocaine combined, harmonizing to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. 9 ) ( Treatment Solutions Network, 2009 ) .Furthermore, with the recent tragic and ill-timed deceases of famous persons such as Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, and Heath Ledger related to prescription drug maltreatment, I feel this job is eventually being brought to the head and exposed, conveying a much needed consciousness to the dangers and effects of mistreating prescription drugs.Mentions1 ) Pat Moore Foundation Prescription Drug Abuse. ( n.d. ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // M.D, Volkow, N. ( 2005 ) . NIDA Research Report Series Prescription Drugs Maltreatment and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Prescription Drug Abuse Information Drug Rehab Programs. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Thibodeau, D. ( 2009, October 20 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment now tops illegal drug usage GoDanRiver. Retrieved December 7, 2 009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Drug Addiction Doctor Shopping Chronic Pain Medication Addiction. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Prescription Drug Abuse Chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // ) Mayo Clinic. ( 2008 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment MSN Health & A Fitness AddictionQuit Smoking. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol // cp-documentid=1002119948 ) Silverman, MD, S. M. , & A Brown, MD, L. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse In the US and Florida. Retrieved December 7, 2009, fromhypertext transfer protocol // id=6 6499 ) Treatment Solutions Network. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, fromhypertext transfer protocol //

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