Saturday, December 28, 2019

Argumentative Essay On Martin Luther King - 815 Words

â€Å"The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day will brighten the lives of every American (Johnson).† African Americans during this time period are in the process of having their rights and equality. These individuals experienced hardships and obstacles which led up to this. They suffered in different ways, additionally, some of them got killed. When Martin Luther King, the leader, stood up for what he believed in with a group of black people right behind him, he was put in jail and got severely bruised. King did not stop fighting for these rights and equalities and even through thick and†¦show more content†¦Additionally, Birmingham and other southern urban areas had been the scenes of bombings coordinated at African Americans and social equality nonconformists. â€Å"One of the tragedies of the struggle against r acism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto (Carmichael).† One of the tragedies of the battle against bigotry is that up to now there has been no national association which could address the developing militancy of youthful dark individuals in the urban ghetto. This shows how even today things have curved in a good way because of leaders who stood ground and believed that this was not the right way. Furthermore, Martin Luther King was the main leader who led these marches and was a man who wanted racism and being separated from everyone else, gone. â€Å"At age 6, Martin Luther King Jr. was jarred when a parent of a white friend said the boys could no longer play together because he was black. Another time, King’s father, a minister, was driving a car when a white policeman pulled him over for no obvious reason. Listen, boy, he began, only to be cut off when the Rev. King pointed to his son in the passenger seat. That is a boy. I am a man (Atkin).† Martin Luther King Jr. was bumped when a parent of a white companion said the young men could never again play together on the grounds that he was dark. Some other time,Show MoreRelatedLetter From Birmingham Jail Analysis1172 Words   |  5 Pageshear the name Martin Luther King Jr., the first thing that comes to mind is probably racism against African Americans. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Short Note On The Loss Of Myelin Essay - 1214 Words

Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). (3) MS is an inflammatory demyelinating condition. This means it is caused by damage to myelin – a fatty material that insulates nerves, acting much like the covering of an electric wire. Myelin allows a nerve to transmit its impulses rapidly. It is the speed and efficiency with which these impulses are conducted that permits smooth, rapid and coordinated movements to be performed with little conscious effort. (3) In MS, the loss of myelin (demyelination) is accompanied by a disruption in the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain. This produces the various symptoms of MS. The sites where myelin is lost (plaques or lesions) appear as hardened (scar) areas: in multiple sclerosis these scars appear at different times and in different areas of the brain and spinal cord. The term multiple sclerosis means ‘many scars’. (3) There are about 2.3 million people in the world with MS, although the number may be much higher as it is likely that many people with MS remain undiagnosed in certain parts of the world. (1) Although MS is found in all parts of the world, its prevalence varies greatly, being highest in North America and Europe, and lowest in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. It is almost unheard of in certain populations such as the Inuits, New Zealand Maoris and Australian Aborigines. (1) MS affects at leastShow MoreRelatedHow Myelin Affects The Body s Immune System Targets The Central Nervous System1639 Words   |  7 PagesSociety, 2016). The main target in MS is myelin, the substance that protects the nerve fibers within the central nervous system (National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 2016). By attacking the myelin MS causes inflammation and damage to the myelin itself (MS Society of Canada, 2016). Myelin is the main source of transportation for nerve impulses; this is done through the nerve fibres that are protected by the myelin (MS Society of Canada, 2016). If the myelin is only slightly damaged the nerve impulsesRead MoreEssay about Multiple Sclerosis2621 Words   |  11 Pagesstructurally and by controlling the passage of substances into the cells. Together these cells form an insulating layer around the neurons called the myelin sheath. This myelin sheath is similar to the rubber which coats the wires of your telephone. Yet in a person with Multiple Sclerosis, the immune system mistakenly identifies some component of myelin as a foreign agent, or antigen. This elicits an auto-immune response in which the body attacks and slowly destroys this protective covering and replacesRead MoreSymptoms And Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis1976 Words   |  8 Pagesthe last two decades with higher incidences overall, probably due to longer life expectancy worldwide (Hunter, 2016). The disease usually presents between the ages of 20 and 40, affecting three times as many females as males and it is interesting to note that as the trend in total MS cases is on the rise, this ratio remains constant (Hunter, 2016). Incidence is most common at age 30 and prevalence peaks at age 50, with males more likely to experience late onset than females (Hunter, 2016). AboutRead MoreTypes And Environmental Factors Of Multiple Sclerosis2800 Wor ds   |  12 Pagesdevastating disease in which its name literally means many scars. This chronic disease attacks the central nervous system, meaning it affects the brain and the spinal cord and is known as an autoimmune disease. MS happens when your immune system attacks myelin, which is a fatty material that is wrapped around nerve fibers to protect them. Without this outset shell, the nerves become damaged in which scar tissue may form. 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The presynaptic knob and postsynaptic knob are separated by the synaptic cleft, a space that containsRead MoreComputer Aided Diagnosis Systems For Infectious Diseases Essay1998 Words   |  8 Pagesevidence that ZIKV has caused other fetal sequelae other than microcephaly such as intracranial calcifications, ventriculomegaly, ocular impairment, brainstem hypoplasia, intrauterine grow th restriction, and fetal demise [10]. Ultrasound imaging falls short for identifying these abnormalities. The objective of this specific aim is to provide in-vivo visualization for the fetal brain with the state of the art magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging towards exploration of potential neurological

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Financial Management Principles and Applications Method

Question: Discuss about the Financial Management for Principles and ApplicationsMethod. Answer: Introduction: Project A has been recommended because of the higher Equivalent as compared with Project B, which determines the annual yield for the same NPV of the project, having life disparity (Petty et al, 2011, p. 424). The four major risks associated with the Project A, as listed by Energy Efficiency Exchange, are mentioned below: Financial Risk: Since, Project A is capital intensive, requiring huge investment initially; the risk is that whether the huge amounts of fund for machinery will be available. Also, in case of break-down of machine, whether the necessary repair and maintenance can be provided at an appropriate cost. Strategic Risk: It has to be seen that the funds made available for the Project A will be properly invested in acquiring the equipments or not, for accomplishment of organizational goals because the most planned things can also run into trouble (Watt, 2014). Operational or Breakdown Risk: Project requires various machineries to commence its operations and therefore, can suffer temporary breakdown due to some technical problem. Therefore, this may hamper the production and generating an operational risk. Operational Safety Risk: It refers to the risk whether people working on Project A are not harmed or exposed to any type of conditions, that can lead to hazards (Health and Safety Authority, 2017). As per Fama (1970), a market is said to be efficient which truly and fully reflects the available information in the price of a security. The primary motive of an investor while investing funds in a security is to be able to view the activities that are taking place in the firm, whose securities are being invested in. Therefore, there lies a need to have a market where each and every decision is being reflected in the price of the security in the real time so as to enable the investors to take an informed decision. Efficient Market Hypotheses is a principle that makes sure that the information received by the market is correctly showcased in the pricing of security in a timely manner, so that there lays no undervalued or overvalued stocks. The principle works on the assumption that every stock price is equal to its respective intrinsic value. The valuation of stock is directly linked with the investments that a company gets. At first, the value of security is determined by discounting the cash flows that an organization is expected to generate in near future. However, as the organization expands, there are various decisions being taken that can have effect on the stock prices and thereby, efficient mechanism came into force, whereby, every aspect can be seen in the analysed with fluctuation in price of security. According to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, credit is being offered to individual, who are in a capacity to repay the same. By the virtue of law, credit providers have the right to make enquiries about the organization and see to it, if the company is not indulging in a project that is non-profitable or that can affect a companys financial position. The best way to identify the credit-worthiness of the company is to take a look at its security price that is being prevailing in the market, which is a result of efficient market. Willingness and the ability to repay a loan have been considered as the two prominent factors while giving a loan (Chapman, 1940, p. 109). Similarly, an investor will invest his money in a firm, when it expects that his money is safe and will surely get a return, living up to his expectations. The returns are only possible when the company takes up a profitable opportunity and en-cash the rewards in optimum manner. Accordingly, the share prices will grow and more and more investors will be attracted to invest in the company and as a result, funds are gathered by the company for its operations. Therefore, it can be said that Equators ability to borrow funds in a capital market which is highly efficient is quite relevant. The project that it chooses will have an impact on the price of its security and thereby, can improve or decrease its ability to get funds from investors as well as other financial institutions in the market. As soon as Equator chooses Project A over Project B, it is expected to increase cash flows in the near future, thus, improving the stock price of the company. Hence, it is evident that each and every step of Equator has a direct effect on its ability to borrow funds from the market. References Averkamp, Harold. "What Is A Non-Discount Method In Capital Budgeting?". N.p., 2004. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. "Borrowing Money | ASIC - Australian Securities And Investments Commission" N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. "Capital Intensive".Investopedia. N.p., 2017. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. "Capital Market Efficiency - Complete Guide To Corporate Finance | Investopedia".Investopedia. N.p., 2017. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. Chapman, John M. "Factors Affecting Credit Risk In Personal Lending". N.p., 1940. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. "Efficient Capital Market - Complete Guide".World Finance. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. Fama, Eugene F. "Efficient Capital Markets: A Review Of Theory And Empirical Work".The Journal of Finance25.2 (1970): 383. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. "Hazards And Risk - Health And Safety Authority" N.p., 2017. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. "Identify Project Risks And Develop Strategies To Manage Them | Energy Efficiency Exchange" N.p., 2017. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. Jan, Obaidullah. "NPV And Inflation | Methods | Calculation | Example" N.p., 2011. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. Petty, J William et al.Financial Management: Principles And Applications. 1st ed. Pearson Higher Education AU. Copyright., 2011. Print. Staff, Investopedia. "What Is An Efficient Market And How Does It Affect Individual Investors?".Investopedia. N.p., 2017. Web. 6 Jan. 2017. Watt, Adrienne. "16. Risk Management Planning | Project Management" Web. 6 Jan. 2017.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Financial Incentives Are Sufficient to Increase Birth Rates in Countries with Declining Birth Rates free essay sample

Low birth rate is an issue that most of developed countries are facing. Many women became career minded and did not want to sacrifice climbing up the career ladder to start a family. The education of women and their ability to earn high income have altered social behavior and led to marriages later in life. The cause of this problem in the first place is their minds are occupied with fear of the costs and burden of having children. (Loh, 2012). In the western European countries like Germany, Spain and Belgium are also facing with low fertility rates . With the replacement rates in the developed countries of 2. 1; Germany has its rates of 1. 4. This can be shown that during the 21st century the Western European countries could become the slowly aging leader of a rapidly aging world. (Lee, 2012). Low fertility rates still remain as their incentives for consumption tilt overwhelmingly toward health care. We will write a custom essay sample on Financial Incentives Are Sufficient to Increase Birth Rates in Countries with Declining Birth Rates or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Last, 2013) Singapore, one of the Asia countries experienced in the same issue, its birth rates have been steadily declining and we do not have enough young people to support those who are of retirement age and on social security. Hence, Singapore government has introduced the measures to promote its population growth by providing financial support, encouraging immigration and extending the maternity leave. These measures are effective because through these various measures, married couples may be convinced to have more children as high of cost of raising children and the lack of suitable childcare arrangement were addressed. Thus, lead to population growth. Financial support To help relieve the financial burden of having children, the government allowed the use of â€Å"Medisave† to pay for the delivery charge of the first three children and the â€Å"Baby bonus† (Cash + Co-development fund) is to be given for each child. The government also provides income tax relief of $3,000 if a grandparent is helping the couple take care of their child. Parents also could make claims for medical bills. (2007, P. 50-51) Encourage immigration The government relaxed its immigration policy to attract foreign talent with skills that Singapore required. By making it easier for foreigners to work and live in Singapore, the government would subsidies housing and education package. With more incentives for these foreigners and their families, the government hopes that they would take up permanent residence or citizenship, thus helping to increase Singapore’s population growth. Mr. Lee, mentioned â€Å"Without immigration that often exceeds the natural yearly growth, Singapore’s economic growth rate would be as sluggish as Japan’s. † (Lee, 2005). This shows that this measure will boost up the quality of Singapore’s increase talent pool.